
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?"

- Marianne Williamson

Coaching just for you.

Individual Coaching

Great leaders inspire their teams, organizations and those around them.

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Team/Organization Coaching

Imagine having an organization with highly functioning teams who display great communication and networking skills, better teamwork and productivity with more contented and engaged team members. Numerous studies have shown that coaching can bring this to a team.

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A study by Gartner indicates that managers who coach their staff improve their performance by on average 26%

Following on from this, according to research by Folkman and Zenger 92% of employees believe that coaching improves their performance

Employees who report to managers who coach effectively are 40% more engaged, exhibit 38% more discretionary effort-Gartner Research


Great leaders inspire their teams, organizations and those around them.

Oozing with confidence and charisma, it seems effortless. For most of us, though, it does not come that easy. We develop our skills and confidence over time. We learn through our mistakes and wonder, as we work our daily grind, if we can ever be that shining example that we aspired to be. Coaching can help. Through a series of one-to-one conversations, feeding from your strengths, successes and challenges, I can help you be more self-aware and identify changes that can improve your relationships, decision-making abilities and confidence. Through open and sometimes challenging conversations I can help you feel more in control of your life and more confident in your leadership role. I’m not one for drama but, developing a good coaching relationship can have life-changing results.

Being in a position of responsibility brings with it many rewards but also great challenges. It can be a lonely place when the decisions that you make effect not just you but your team and possibly the whole organization. Having been there, I know the stress that comes with that; the doubt and self-questioning it brings. Decision making is not easy and often there are many options that need to be considered. As your coach, and an independent ear, I can help you talk through, sound out and consider these decisions, their possible implications and outcomes.

As a long-time leader, the challenges may be different. You may suffer, like me, from the Imposter Syndrome; how did I get here? The world is changing around me: how can I keep up with the change (I remember when Tik Tok was a sound from the clock on the wall… Now there isn’t even a clock on the wall!!). How can I motivate a younger team? Respond to changing markets? Etc, etc. As your coach I can help you regain that spark, recognize your strengths and help you to see and understand your role as leader better.

As a new leader; this can be a frightening place. You don’t want to show weakness in front of your board of directors or your executive team. You presented at recruitment as “cool and knowledgeable”. Now you feel the need to deliver! I understand these thoughts because I have had them. When you are new in the role you want to inspire confidence and not show vulnerability, but maybe showing some amount of vulnerability is just what you need to do right now. That is just how leaders gain the trust of their teams, but it takes confidence to do that. I can help you with that. We can work on scenarios, tease out ideas and build on your strengths to build your confidence.

It can be frustrating being an aspiring leader. You have been learning, taken the courses, built the experience and you feel ready for the next step in your career. You are blocked by a lack of opportunity in your current organization and possibly lacking the confidence to put yourself forward or make a move. The risk seems great. What if I don’t fit in? what if I don’t know as much as I think I do?  These are all very natural thoughts and feelings. Coaching can help you work through these issues allowing you to make decisions that bring contentment.


Imagine having an organization with highly functioning teams who display great communication and networking skills, better teamwork and productivity with more contented and engaged team members. Numerous studies have shown that coaching can bring this to a team.

Why not have your teams individually coached by their own discover their potential. Developing this coaching culture, by training people in-house can be a very empowering and relatively inexpensive exercise. Developing your own coaches, with skills tailored to suit your company and your culture, is a great way to improve the skills of your team leaders and help guarantee sustainability of a coaching initiative.

Developing a Coaching Culture within your organization can set you up for long-term, sustainable success. A study by Gartner indicates that managers who coach their staff improve their performance by on average 26%. Following on from this, according to research by Folkman and Zenger 92% of employees believe that coaching improves their performance.

Many studies have shown that companies who provide monthly developmental coaching sessions for their employees, experience:

Improved productivity- leading to greater success for the organization

Improved employee retention- guarding against loss of talent and saving recruitment costs.

Improved employee engagement – employees feel more valued. 

All together a win-win situation. Setting up coaching within a company requires a commitment of support from the top levels of the organization, a clear process, focused training and monitoring for results. An internal coaching culture can be set up quickly, but it must have a commitment to sustainability to have a chance of success. Now is always a good time to start any project.